Friday, January 20, 2012

Frozen Pipes And Your Insurance – Prevention Is The Key

It is estimated that almost a half million businesses and residences experience water damage losses  as a result of frozen pipes each year.  While most homeowners insurance policies and businessowners insurance policies will pay for these losses, this kind of preventable loss is a terrible black mark on your insurance record.  But more importantly, protecting your pipes in advance could save you from the huge problems associated with experiencing this kind of catastrophe.  This article will give you some tips on what to do now, before the cold weather sets in to keep your home or your business safe from this type of loss.

The first step in this loss prevention process is to protect the pipes themselves.  If your pipes are in a vulnerable spot like the attic or the crawlspace, then they need proper insulation.   Be sure to insulate both the hot and the cold lines.  Next study the environment for these pipes.  You should seal any leaks to the attic or space that might allow enough cold air into that space to freeze the pipes.  And don’t forget to  disconnect your garden hoses and drain your  sprinkler system to reduce the chance of freezing at those points in the system.

Now when you know that a hard freeze is coming, there are some additional things you can do for the short term to protect your pipes.  You can let warm water trickle from the faucets overnight, particularly on an exterior wall, or on a long stretch of unprotected pipe.  Also, you can open cabinet doors to allow heat to reach non-insulated pipes under sinks.  If you do this and have small children don’t forget to put all poisons and dangerous chemicals out of their reach.  And on those hard freeze nights, don’t turn your thermostat down.  You will need as much heat as possible to protect your pipes.  I know this might run up your heating bill a bit but  that cost is nothing compared to damage from burst pipes.

 If your pipes do freeze, don’t panic, it doesn’t mean that they have burst.  There is still a good chance that you can avoid a large water loss claim.  First of all, turn on the faucets and leave them on.  The water pushing against the melting ice in the pipe will speed up the melting process.   Next try to locate where your pipe is actually frozen.  If you can do this, then you can try to safely apply heat to the frozen area.  You can wrap the pipes in towels soaked in hot water, or you can use an electric hair dryer or an electric heating pad.  Do not use a blow torch, kerosene or any other open flame to heat the pipe.  These techniques could leave you with a home destroyed by fire!  If all of this fails, or if you are uncomfortable with this step, then call a licensed, professional plumber to help you.

In NC, the standard homeowners form will almost always cover loss to your home and your contents from water damage as a result of a burst pipe.  But insurance protection should be your last resort.  Preventing the loss in the first case will save you time, money and heartache.    In this case, an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound or more of cure.

At Clinard Insurance Group, located in Winston Salem, NC, we want all insurance buyers to be informed consumers.  If we can help you with your home insurance, your auto insurance or even your business insurance, please call us, toll free, at 877-687-7557.

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